IMO, it's all in the eye of the beholder.
You are the only person that can decide if your fight was worth it. No one can make that decision for you. :)
So if you choose to be positive about trying to reach your dreams, then it is totally worth it! If you choose to be regretful and negative about the journey, then that's the way it will be. As the amazing Captain Planet once said "The Power is Yours!" ;)
Hmm? Despite the condescending conclude I feel compelled to type in my take on this vague pondering. IMHO...
You know what to fight for by who benefits from your fighting for it. If those you love and care for take the fall, then it's not worth if. If it's only for your own gain or sense of satisfaction, it's not worth it. But then again, if it helps others at great personal sacrifice, it's not worth it either, but who's to say what's worth it or not? A higher mandate? A government? A God? Who can you really trust; who has an interest other than their own that they wish to make true?
I wouldn't trust either one of two aforementioned rules of reign. I'd trust someone who gains nothing by my compassion; whom I benefit from by helping. Do good, and feel good doing it, and then it's a cause worth catering to. Life's a battle every day, but whether there is purpose or not; whether we share our perils with others or not and derive a purpose even where there is not, it's not a wasted life until it's over, and we have done nothing with it.
Life is the moments we chose to make it; the fight it takes to make those moments come true.
This actually wasn't half bad. You represented this stupid bunch of idiots on this website rather well.