Collaboration with the amazing B4M on production - Rock Singer.
If you like the song, fav me AND B4M! Yeah, OMG, soooo much work! DO IT ANYWAY, TARD
I already know I'm gonna get the Linkin Park comparisons, and most of you will judge the song on whether you like THAT band or not. Don't care. Actually, I am always surprised by the various ways in which my work is interpreted. It's like I make a sandwich, one person calls it dinner, another person calls it supper. But it's the same sandwich. Human behavior is interesting.
Anyway, rock out. B4M is a beast, so visit him if you haven't. Emo chick below cuz...I like emo chix with that blonde/black hair thing goin on.
Grab Theresa if you haven't. Best songs of 2012 on that mixtape.
^^^ what he said! Check it out!