So after watching RealFaction's shockingly honest videos about his life, it gave me some courage to spill shit out; hopefully this'll be cathartic.
So the girl Theresa to whom my first mixtape is dedicated (shameless plug...get it here!) came to visit me from California (I'm in Alabama, 2000 miles away). Important note: I didn't fly her out; she paid. We've been going Dutch on everything the whole trip. So it's not a golddigger thing. We had been planning this trip for months but when she finally came, she was dating another guy.
That's all fine, cuz I never gave her the girlfriend title, and she was honest with me the whole time about dating other people. She wanted to be my girlfriend for a long time but I didn't pull the trigger. We were both single, free to do whatever we wanted. It's just now that she's serious about somebody else, I think I am missing the emotional commitment that a girl gives when she is in love with you. I think I was using her as an emotional crutch.
It's good that this is happening because it forces me now to go form other relationships instead of relying on this one so much. It's bad that this is happening because most girls fucking suck and looking for new relationships is a bitch. Also, it is rather difficult having a hot girl in my house that won't let me fuck her :)
Before you go saying that I fully lost my pimp card, cuz I know half of people these days don't read, I'M NOT PAYING FOR ANYTHING, and we were never official. So I'm not getting taken advantage of financially. Just maybe emotionally. Does that get girls off? I guess it does. I dunno.
I know I'm being a bitch. So yeah, if you want to put me on pimp suspension, I won't argue. But if I stop being a bitch, can I get pimp probation and time served?
I need to change my attitude so that I can take advantage of this situation. The weekend is coming up and there's nothing better for getting new girls than going out with a girl to a club. She's already agreed to be my wing girl. This has the potential to be a good weekend if I can keep my f***y emotional needs in check.
This is cathartic. I do feel better. Well, that's all good then. I feel better and I was able to share a mildly entertaining story. Wish me luck and lots of pussy this weekend.
<a href=""> r=senatorjohndean</a>