New song, actually three new songs...
UR Really Cool
Forgive U (produced by Beefourmusic)
Marijuana is LEGAL (in Washington state and Colorado)
And the surprise that got flubbed...
I was actually going to re-open my Youtube channel with a vid called "Life of a Newgrounds MOD: Inspired by TurkeyOnAStick" and make beastly fun of him for what I considered to be unfair actions towards myself and others on Newgrounds. I had some really evil stuff prepared. It was going to be a lot of fun.
However, ReNaeNae called a truce, so I decided not to do the vid. I actually don't know how ReNaeNae got wind of the beef between Turkey and me, but Re has always been very, very cool to me, so I called off the video.
This still leaves me with the problem of ideas for new videos, but I'm trying. Thanks to everybody who has subbed so far (106 ppl)...I am dedicated to getting you some visual entertainment, not just aural. Fuck school.
<a href=""> r=senatorjohndean</a>