looking for artists, programmers
PAID FUCKING JOB, DORKS. Looking for a character designer/animator/maybe programmer for a game to be marketed on Steam. Paid fucking job.
I already have some people working on this, but I am going to continue to put this listing up until the project is finished. Bottom line is I want this game done & animators tend to drop out without notice, so if you have a great idea for backgrounds/character designs/animation as you read the storyline, feel free to submit. If the idea is great and MORE IMPORTANTLY you have the discipline to FINISH the project, you'll get paid.
I pay nothing for half done work. This is a four level game - if you do two levels and drop out, you get nothing because I can't use that at all. Complete work gets the paycheck and the marketing that I'm putting my money behind.
If any of the guys who are already working on this project see this, this is NOT a diss at you guys. Just like I said, I'm putting this up until the work gets finished. If you guys are the ones who do it, then you're the ones who get paid. No hard feelings.
Below is the almost finished version of the storyline. If you are an animator/character designer/programmer & this makes you wet in your happy place, PM me on NG. Poniiboi, bitch.
Game Title: Undecided
Gameplay: 90s 2D sidescrolling beat em up a la Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Double Dragon
Main Characters:
Professor Christopher Economy, 29 year old black history professor. Married to Jasey Jennifer for 4 years, loved by all his students, hated by his neighbors for an unknown reason. He is an upstanding citizen. Balance character.
Jasey Jennifer, 23 year old yogi and painter, black woman. Married to Economy. Speed character.
The Forbidden, the mysterious 16 year old blonde, white head cheerleader from the neighborhood high school. Babysits Economy's son, Jason. All attacks demonic/Satanic in nature. Her look is a mix between Quiet in Metal Gear Solid 5 and Jessica Nigri cosplaying the zombie cheerleader girl. Power character.
The World: Economy, Jasey and Jason are the only normal things in the world. Everything else has a slightly demonic, surreal quality to it, with the negative attention focused on Economy, Jasey and Jason. The point is to show that the world that these three live in hates them. However, the horror is somewhat subtle. For instance, the trees have frowns in their bark and wrinkles. The people in the background frown when Economy or Jasey walk by in the game. The animals run away from them. The clouds form frowny face shapes or middle fingers or gravestones. However, there is nothing overt or to the point of caricature. The cumulative effect is that the player should feel put upon and heavy although there is no real single thing to point to in the atmosphere. This is the same kind of character design that should be applied to The Forbidden as well.
29 year old Professor Christopher Economy and 23 year old yogi/painter Jasey Jennifer live together as husband and wife with their 2 year old son Jason. One day, they come home to find their window smashed and their son missing with a note attached to his crib. The note also says that Jason will be killed if a million dollar ransom is not paid. The kidnappers accentuate this point by attaching a picture of a crying Jason with a gun to his head. He has a cut on his finger. Though the room is dark in the picture, there are ominous Illuminati symbols in the background. There is a blood note scrawled along the bottom of the picture, "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID." The implication is that the kidnappers traced the blood note out of Jason's blood.
As Economy is trying to figure out who might have written this note, Jasey is calling the police. The detective on the other end seems uninterested and finally ends the conversation by saying, "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID." Faint laughter is heard from what Jasey assumes are other officers in the room.
I like your horse icon!
dammit sambammer