My 8 month old niece has just started talking; she's been talking for about a month now. Precocious, yes, but hardly the point. The point? Within that month, she has probably strung together enough words that a viable battle rap verse could be made.
Eye Cue took about a month for his verses to come out. So the fact that he might have had a couple of good lines is more about probability than it is actual skill, because my 8 month old niece did the same thing.
Vote to Teqneek because Eye-Cue takes two years to write a verse, and shame on Big Red for allowing this travesty to take place on Newgrounds. What a useless tool that guy is.
Teq by a country mile. Teq by a light year. Teq, Teq, Teq. I hope Eye-Cue messes up Mark's tournament, too.