I believe that you quantified exactly what you meant in all of your other songs, forever. #GokuSwag
I believe that you quantified exactly what you meant in all of your other songs, forever. #GokuSwag
5 stars cuz this reminds me of Kid Icarus tunes.
And i never even heard Kid Icarus tunes :O
Thanks anyway :)
PM me.
mkay :3
Yeah, you're better than the pig, but that was pretty much set before you turned the mic on. This just solidified it. Grudge match: Sonic vs Mrs. Lambourn (the pig)!! (yeah, yeah, do it)
That would be unfair. I'll just let him keep thinking he's the best freestyler.
Excellent vocal mixing, used judiciously. Less is more. I'd love to do a song like this.
This is sort of what I described to you in my PM. Just enough so that people can remember it as "that temptation of dance" song, otherwise how else do you describe it to someone???
This is my favorite.
I dunno. I think this dubstep has an attractive face and nice legs. So it's not the worst.
oh stop it :)
It's all about synth creation. That synth you start leading with at 1:03 is awesome. The others sound like stuff I've heard before...but the melody is right on. Try some different synths. I would also do something with the snare, cuz it's not as strong as it should be. Try doubling it with a tighter snare to give it some more snap.
Its actually the same synth, just different effects :P this is still a work in progress tho, i am making the snares louder, also the synths will be a little more powerful, its hard to get them to sound exactly how i want but im learning. Thats a good idea using a second snare to make it a little more noticeable. I should be finishing this up within the next week or so depending on how much time i have
Anyways, thanks a lot for the review! i appreciate the feedback
This is actually a really good representation of Morocco. I have relatives from there. They'd dance to this. You were right, not your little brother.
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